Come What May

Posted by gadis jumaat | Posted in

Alahai... Terharu baca email ni:

Hi Scha (bajettt),

Today is my last working day here. I need to thank you for your Co-operation in the BPPA project.

I believe you are a good programmer and you did well for the BPPA. I am sure that you will become an expert in ABAP in near future. All the best for your future career.

-The SV

Aku pun terus carik bliau n went like, "Awww, your email... I just read it. Thanks for saying that..." Seriusli aku bajet dia menyampah kat aku selama ni sbb i bugged him a lot pastu banyak sangat benda tatau n tanye dia macam2.

Dia senyum je. Dia kate dia cuti 2 minggu balik India, then dia akan balik Msia smula. Kontrak ngan kompeni ni dah abis, tapi dia still akan carik keje kat Msia la pasnih.

Skang bz gile, n that explains why the silence.

Last Monday ada miting ngan CEO and other 'survivors' in the company. Sumer yg gaji 3k ke atas kene 20% temporary paycut for consultants, 30% for management, then ceo janji, every quarter the company akan reinstate gaji. Time miting tuh aku rasa sebak semacam laa pulak tengok muke ceo. Nampakla cara dia yg nak jadi as transparent as possible utk kasik kitorang tau situation skang, while convincing us to stay. Dia ulang2 cakap pasal 'the paycut is temporary' and 'we'll back-date your salaries once the situation allows it'.

Dah abis miting, one of the senior consultants datang kat kitorang cakap, "Alaaa, gaji ai kene potong 2k ok... Husband ai marah2 blablabla."

Maka kaver nganga la 3 orang juniors yg mendengarnye nih sbb x sangka pon gaji dia bnyk tu (u do the math), sbb bliau nmpk muda lagi, tua setahun je dari aku. Yee, beta maseh muda. Oh! Banyaknye gaji orang!

Oklah, yg pasti, dengan contract staff ramai yg berenti, bahang mule terasa. Workload cam giler dah rasa skang. Takut aku sbb banyak sangat tatau nih. Fuh.

Oklah, apa2 pun idop musti terus. Incik sayang kate dun worry, dia ada bace, by quarter 2 this year, the economy will be ok. Let's hope for the best. Since dia cakap dia nak usahakan gak utk kitorang kawen tahun ni, aku rasa dia semakin murah rezeki :) syabbas mere zindegi. Orang kate, bile dah ada niat nak kawen, Allah akan permudahkan, sbb kawen itu dituntut.

Dan ianye sungguh manis...

Comments (2)

manis sblm kawen jer.. tapi "best" lepas kawen.. hahahaha

ye itu dia kata2 dr orang dah berkawen ye. maksudnye manis dah tadek? tunggu masaku lak! :P