Purple Rain

Posted by gadis jumaat | Posted in

Hello beautiful people!

Stress, headache, tertekan, that's the first few words yg bermain di pikiran time nak taip blog nih, despite of many beautiful, if not unfortunate events that I wanna share here.

It's only today that I get the chance to send out job applications to other companies. Hari2 yg berlalu nih sangat bizi, tambah2 dengan maxis berokband yg dah berapa lama tak boleh connect, sampai harini baru boleh. So, siang bizi ngan keje, malam tak dapat connect.

Smalam rasa sangat devastated bile tau company aku jadik strict skarang nih pasal notice period. Kenapa laaa aku tak terpk pasal ni sebelum nih?? Sbb b4 dis ramai jee yg berenti tapi tak kasik notis 3 bulan, tak kene bayar pon... Tapi skarang sbb orang makin kurang, jadik dorang susah nak let go. Smalam, sorang member dah kene bayar $2k kat company ni sbb dia kasik notis 2 hari je. The rest, company baru dia yg bayarkan to this company. Isn't that insane? Ada ke company baru yg sudi bayarkan untuk aku the whole $6k?

Aku risau sgt nih. Aku tau aku belum dapat keje tapi I know I will, somehow. I can't afford to stay for another 3 months... TSH project is killing me. Too much workload and it's all too hard. Lucky I've to support Puncak Niaga this week so I won't be in the office, so tadeklaa dorang kasik keje baru each time nampak muke aku. Letih. Tu pun, still have to juggle both PN and TSH works. :(

Takpelah, cam kate membe aku, ada rezeki tak ke mana. Sorry with all this whining, i just have to let it out.

Til then guys.

You know you love me!

XOXO, girlfriday

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